Have Your Old Gate Replaced Now!
Replacing a gate is a huge job, however, with a little bit of planning and research, you can save yourself a lot of money and effort, and make sure that your gate is installed correctly the first time by hiring a professional gate repair and installation contractor. Here are three signs that you should hire a gate replacement expert:
It has physical damage
If your metal gate is rusted through or has several dents or scratches, it may be time to replace it. These issues can impact your gate’s stability and compromise the safety of everyone who uses it. In addition, if you have a wooden gate that’s rotting, cracked, or broken in several places, it’s probably best to have it replaced. Once rot sets in, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of. In addition, broken or cracked wooden planks and posts can compromise your gate’s integrity and security.
It has worn hinges
Hinges are the most overworked part of any gate system. If your hinges are starting to wear, you may hear grinding and squeaking noises. In addition, your gate may start scraping along the ground or have trouble opening and closing if the hinges have collapsed entirely. If using a silicone spray or high-quality lubricant doesn’t solve the problem, you’ll likely have to replace your entire system.
It’s out of alignment
If your driveway gate is moving roughly against its track and won’t stop in the right position, you probably have an issue with your gate arm or gear rack. You may also hear loud squeaking or grinding noises when the gate is moving. Misaligned gates are often caused by excessive wear and tear or shifts in the foundation where your gate is located. Since these issues can be difficult or even impossible to fix, you may need to replace your gate system.
If you have any of these signs, it is time to replace your gate. If you are looking for a gate replacement and installation contractor that is based in the Sarasota, FL area, please remember to call Precision Gate & Security, Inc. first at (813) 324-1713 today to speak to a gate specialist.