3 Ways to Maintain and Preserve Your Gate From a Gate Maintenance Expert

Giving Your Gates a Sufficient TLC

Security gates are an excellent addition to any home. Aside from aesthetic appeal, they offer privacy, safety, and convenience for your household. Giving your gates sufficient TLC is required in order for you to make the most out of your investment and make sure it runs smoothly for a long time. Below are a few ways you can do to maintain your security gates and preserve their quality from a gate maintenance expert.

Clean them regularly.

Washing and waxing your gate regularly not only keeps it looking good but also prevents serious problems caused by dirt. When you neglect your gate’s finish, you can expect its surface to become flaked or tarnished. The good news is, you only need to give it a wash at least once every few months, or after heavy soiling.

Inspect your gates routinely.

Simple checks that are done regularly can do wonders for preserving the quality of your security gates. Create a checklist that includes everything you should look for when inspecting your gates. A couple of things to take note of are obstructions (i.e. plants growing near photocell beams), the power supply on the motor, and where the manual override key is in case there’s a system failure or power outage. You should ensure you have full access to this in case of an emergency situation.

Pay attention to the moving parts.

All moving parts in your security gates require special attention. If these components get damaged, the gate could immediately stop functioning — which could affect your daily routine. Be sure to check if the wheel tracks are free from debris like organic material (e.g. leaves or soil). Give your gates a regular check and if necessary, clean out dirt and debris right away. Wheels and hinges should also be oiled at all times to keep them from grinding or wearing down. It’s best to use higher-quality oils as they are more effective in maintaining your gate’s functionality.

If you are interested in professional gate maintenance, please call Precision Gate & Security, Inc. at (813) 324-1713 to get a free estimate. We are currently located in Sarasota, FL.

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