Easy Way of Repairing Your Gates
Keeping the gates in good repair is an important part of maintaining a farm, whether large or small. Good gates and fences will help keep livestock safely housed: A sagging fence or gate, broken wires, and downed or loose poles may tempt animals to make a break for it — out on a busy road or into hostile territory — possibly injuring or killing themselves in the process. Here are 3 simple and inexpensive gate repair tips to help make your gate repair easier.
Easy Fix for a Gate Latch
Metal gates are handy in pens and pastures, and some of these have latches that work with a handle that is pulled or pushed. Typically, the latch is a metal prong that inserts into a hole in an adjacent post when the gate is shut; to open this type of gate, the latch is usually pulled to release from the post. These latches work fine if the posts are solid and never move. Sometimes, however, posts can shift over time, and latches no longer reach them.
Fixing a Sagging Gate
A wooden or metal gate can become a heavy burden to open and close if it begins to sag and drag on the ground. Gate posts should be sturdy and set deep to avoid sagging. But unless the posts are set in concrete, even well-constructed gates can drag because posts can “give” over time. In some areas, the ground is unstable and won’t hold a post well, especially for a heavy gate.
Easy-close Gate Idea
Occasionally a gate may be made of wire rather than metal or wood. Wire gates (made of netting, or six to eight strands of wire, with “stays” to keep the wire properly spaced) can sometimes become difficult to close, especially if they are tight gates that livestock can’t get through. One way to make such a gate easier to close is to put a handle on the gate post to give you more leverage for pulling it shut.
If you need a gate repair service in Sarasota, FL, turn to Precision Gate & Security, Inc.. For more information, call us at (813) 324-1713 today and book an appointment with one of our services!